Supercharge Surgical Care With AI Assistance

can support:
Support your patients from surgery to sofa — without needing a single phone call.
Memora uses AI to enable accessible, actionable, and always-on care assistance for your patients undergoing procedures — while unburdening your surgical teams from overwhelming alerts.

Knee Replacement Support

Supporting a patient on their surgical journey requires a deep understanding of patient needs before, during, and after their procedure.
Guide patients with AI-backed support through each step so they can approach prep and recovery with confidence. For providers, intelligent task automation helps you adhere to CMS’s PROM-PM mandate without added burden.
Impact on Surgical Care

of patients engaged with Memora's platform
Net Promoter Score among care team users
PRO survey completion rate when delivered via SMS
*Representative outcomes from a Post-Operative Orthopedic Care Program with an academic medical center
A Win-Win-Win For Everyone
Healthcare often feels overwhelming for patients and the teams in charge of their care. Simplify surgical prep and recovery — for both patients and their care teams — with Memora’s AI-backed, EHR-integrated Care Programs.*
Drive Operational

Reduce manual care team outreach
Mitigate the burden of data collection
Cut down on patient inbound calls/messages
Enhanced Clinician
& Patient Experience

Boost patient satisfaction
Foster patient loyalty
Enhance care team fulfillment
Support Financial Sustainability

Minimize complications
Reduce associated penalties
Increase post-surgical follow-up visits
*Representative goals of Memora partners
Augment Your Care Team With Intelligent Assistance
Leverage AI to automate program-specific interactions via white-labeled, native SMS. With deep EHR integrations, text messages are personalized for each patient.

“I like that I can type in a symptom and get information right away. That makes me feel reassured, that I’m not just on my own and having to Google symptoms but actually being able to ask a question in real time.”
Ready to Transform Care Delivery?
Unburden care teams with scalable clinical workflows, and guide patients to better outcomes and satisfaction — all with a single platform.